Renovation activities in MONZA Via Della Birona 47
Fri, 15 January 2021
The call for the tender procedure was launched on June 4, 2020with a starting price of € 1.364.275,96 (of which € 1.229.901,20 for works and € 134.374,76 for security charges).The tender was awarded on September 8,2020 to the company RLC S.r.l.from Crispano (TA) for a contractual amount of € 1.015.057,81 (€ 880.863,05 for works and € 134.374,76 for security charges).The works started on October 6, 2020 and their expected duration is 300 days, until August 1t, 2021.The renovation project is partly funded for by the Lombardy Region call "POR FESR 2014-2020: Asse IV, Azione IV.4C.1.1"in the amount of € 1,000,000.00 and partly by ALER. The mentioned call is co-financed by ERDF resources and is aimed at supporting projects of energy efficiency of social housing buildings owned by ALERs and by municipalities with high housing needs. The renovation works at the demo site aim at improving the energy efficiency of the building mainly through the realization of an insulating facade coat, the replacement of external windows with PVC windows for all the 65 apartments and the replacement of the external iron windows of the common areas, etc. The foreseen interventions include maintenance works for the internal and the external common areas of the building. To date, the contractor has realized the "insulating coat" of the north and south side facades of the building and it is preparing the scaffolding for the execution of the "insulating coat" of the east facades. The following steps are the restoration of reinforced concrete, balconies and stairwells and then the replacement of the downspouts, iron doors and fixtures.